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Group CEO Divyesh Patel & Director Hina Patel receiving The U.S. Presidential Award for significant contribution in United States Export Expansion at the presidential Ceremony in Washington D.C.


Dallas, Texas, USA (May 18 2015) - Divyesh Patel, Founder & CEO & Hina Patel, Director of Bespoke Group LLC were honored at a ceremony in Washington with the U.S. President’s “E” Award for Exports in recognition of their company’s achievement in making significant contribution to the expansion of U.S. Exports. The President’s “E” Award is the highest honor the federal government can give to U.S. businesses.

“Bespoke Group LLC has demonstrated a sustained commitment to export expansion. The “E” Award Committee was impressed with Bespoke Group’s development of its own retail brand in foreign markets” said Penny Pritzker, the Secretary of Commerce. “Bespoke Group’s achievements have undoubtedly contributed to national export expansion efforts that support the U.S. economy and create American jobs”.

U.S. based Bespoke Group is the global leader in Pulses exports & their contribution to exports to India is significant. The relationship between the United States and India is getting stronger, which is beneficial for both countries particularly in regards to trade. United States is now one of the largest exporter of pulse crops to India and this trade continues to grow.

Quality assurance & food safety now rank highest on the list of consumer’s expectation globally & this relationship in bringing American innovation in growing & processing agriculture produce brings significant privilege & value to all the consumers of the world. The majority of our pulse crops are traded overseas to partners like India because of your desire to acquire high quality pulses. To facilitate this relationship better, significant efforts are being taken by companies such as Global Agro Commodities, India who has partnered with Bespoke to bring Premium Pure & Nutritious ‘American Topnotch’ branded pulses for India’s market.

Mr. Patel is a key impact creator in this contribution to U.S - India Partnership. Under his leadership, his group has created a Global Supply Chain Network of ‘From U.S. Farms to World Market’ facilitating not only American growers but also consumers of India who are able to enjoy high quality Pulses in their diet.

Bespoke Group is the only organization in the industry today to offer retail branded pulses into retail markets of India & thereby offers unique strength of Global Food Supply Chain to the growth of U.S - India Trade relations, consumers in India & various stakeholders in the value chain.

Consumers in India can order them online on  www.americantopnotch.com  and enjoy them and many health benefits Pure & Nutritious pulses come with. As part of that growing partnership, we will continue to invest our time and resources to grow more pulses and ensure that highest quality for consumers in India and around the globe said Divyesh Patel.

City of Irving Honors Our CEO & Group Director at a ceremony in 2015

Group CEO Divyesh K. Patel, & Director Hina D. Patel with Group leader Kanchanbhai M. Patel were honored by Mayor of Irving Beth Van Duyne at Four Seasons Country Club in Texas

Making Difference

Pulse Crop Processing Plants of Global Agro Commodities: Investing in Engines of Economic Development and American Competitiveness

Picture of Global Agro Commodities Pulse Processing Plant in Chester, Montana, USA- Pulse elevator’s investment, Montana State’s investment from state lab to research activities along with Grower’s investment, U.S. Agriculture System in whole, U.S. logistics system – and the hardworking men and women behind these operations – are essential drivers of the American economy and American Agriculture.

Every day, our pulse elevators and entire group of stakeholders as mentioned above handle thousands of bushels of our Montana pulse crops and our ports handle millions tons of domestic and international cargo, including food and agricultural products, petrochemicals, and automobiles.  In 2014 alone, $1.7 trillion worth of U.S. goods moved through our ports, representing 75% of imports and exports by weight.

But from the world perspective, we all face tremendous challenges. it takes a village to make tremendous efforts to make all happen seamless. It demands trust, vision and partnership. It demands team work and cooperation and above all it also demands time.

We need people like Global Agro Commodities (GAC), who are not only investing locally but also globally. Not only they are ‘Thanking’ Growers of America but specially Thanking Growers of Montana while inviting other stakeholders to be part of this joint mission to make a difference.

Recently CEO of GAC LLC, Mr. Divyesh Patel while he was in Germany, he grabbed an opportunity to share his appreciation in presence of our under secretory of U.S. Department of Agriculture, Honorable Michael Scuse at ANUGA World Food Show in Koln, Germany.

Picture of GAC CEO Divyesh Patel with Honorable Michael Scuse, Undersecretary of the USDA at Anuga in Germany

Not only GAC LLC is investing on this side of the ocean where home is here in U.S. but also investing in one of the most fastest growing market, India. GAC has not only invested in consumer awareness portal www.pulsehealth.in where they spend time educating consumers of India by sharing health benefits of Pulses but also they have invested in an app as well as on line portal www.americantopnotch.com which brings tremendous privilege for consumers across India to purchase our high quality U.S. Pulse crops for delivery at their home 24x7. GAC states that they have powerful hardworking team on the ground on both sides of the ocean which makes such a big task so easy.

Their progress does not stop there. They have also invested into environmental friendly stand up pouch retail packs which has double zip lock allowing pulses to stay pure and safe with this unique environment for storage even after opening once at the kitchen table.

These efforts have been recognized with the most prestigious The U.S. President E-Award for Excellence in 2015 where Mr. & Mrs. Patel were honored in Washington at the presidential ceremony.

U.S. President’s Award is given for achievement in below core areas and Mr. Patel & his group continues their work every day to make a difference in this areas:

  1.  Export Growth
  2.  Sustainable Impact
  3.  Innovation
  4.  Job Creation
  5.  Measurable Impact

Empowering supply chain with such uniqueness is vital in today’s fast pace environment.

GAC is thankful to not only Growers but entire chain of stakeholders including their employees in making this growth possible. Such commitment, dedication, hard work & cooperation is don’t only benefit trade but also integral to regional economies. Not only it helps us take advantage of the leveled playing fields to compete in the world market but also provides opportunity for all to have increased access to world markets. They truly serve as a hub in the world supply chain.

There’s a significant opportunity for many growers and stakeholders who are not in touch with team at GAC, to be part of this growth and success. All you need to do is set aside some time for meeting with GAC team and you can request an appointment by sending an email to  usa@globalagco.com.

To learn more about GAC’s work and efforts: Consumer Education Portal: visit: www.pulsehealth.in Retail Operation Portal,
visit: www.americantopnoth.com Corporate portal, visit: www.globalagco.com